Self-employed permit

It is a temporary residence and work authorization for a non-resident foreigner in Spain to carry out a self- employed lucrative activity. First residency is granted for 1 year with ability to extend.


Work Independently:
You have complete control over your business or freelance activity.
Access to Social Security:
You can benefit from Spain’s social security and healthcare systems.
Path to Renewal:
This permit allows for renewal, potentially leading to more permanent residency if you continue your activity and meet all obligations.

Application process

Obtaining a self-employed work permit
Phase 1: evaluation of business proposal (1-2 months)
Prepare business proposal. Plan for the establishment or activity to be carried out,
indicating the planned investment, the expected return, and, where applicable, the jobs that will be created.

The valuation report issued by one of the following organizations:

· Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de Empresarios y Trabajadores Autónomos (ATA)

· Unión de Profesionales y Trabajadores Autónomos (UPTA)

· Confederación Intersectorial de Autónomos del Estado Español (CIAE)
Phase 2: obtaining work permit (3-4 months)
If you locate outside of Spain, you need to address to local Spanish embassy and apply for work permit once you were granted with positive certificate from business associations that approve your business proposal.

If you locate in Spain and modify type of Residence to Self-Employed, you can submit online application for work permit.
Phase 3: application for visa (1-2 months)
Once you granted with work permit, need to apply for visa to enter Spain.
Phase 4: registration in spain
Enter Spain and apply for residence card. Once you received card you can make registration as Self-Employed and start business activity!